Stinger Cocktail Recipe

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Written By h8x5n

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Stinger Cocktail Recipe


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The Stinger is a lesser-known classic cocktail made with just two ingredients—brandy (often Cognac) and crème de menthe—served either neat in a cocktail glass or over ice in a rocks glass. The cocktail’s origins can be traced to the United States in the 1890s, and the beverage remained widely popular in America until the 1970s. It was seen as a drink of the upper class, known as a “society” drink.

Adjust Servings
2 ounce Cognac
1 ounce White crème de menthe


Add the cognac and white crème de menthe into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled.


Strain into a rocks glass over crushed ice.

Rusty Nail




Brandy Crusta