Cocktails drinks with Grenadine syrup

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Written By h8x5n

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Cocktails drinks with Grenadine syrup


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Grenadine is a commonly used nonalcoholic bar syrup identified by its deep red hue. It is a common cocktail ingredient famous for its flavor and the ability to give a reddish or pink tint to mixed cocktails and is traditionally made from pomegranate. Pomegranate juice, sugar, and lemon juice are the three main ingredients to get a grenadine syrup at home, creating the perfect balance of tart and sweet.

The name grenadine comes from the French word grenade, which means pomegranate. Be aware that the pomegranate syrup is not the same as grenadine: pomegranate syrup is more tart, while grenadine is very sweet.

This recipe version is made with these ingredients: tequila and grenadine syrup.