Black Velvet Cocktail Recipe

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Written By h8x5n

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Black Velvet Cocktail Recipe


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The Black Velvet has been around quite for a while. It was invetened in 1861 at Brooks’s Club in London to honor the passing of Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert. The dark beer added a sad note to the usually festive Champagne. It is supposed to symbolize the black armbands worn by mourners. It was said that “even the champagne should be in mourning.” Today, the drink is not exclusive to mourning. The drink is easy to make event at home. Pour some Guinness into a glass, top it with Champagne, and that’s all. This is the most common combination, but some choose to skip the Champagne and use hard cider. Both variants are great and it’s fun to experiment. The black velvet is an interesting mixed drink that blends ​​Champagne and dark beer in a single glass. One may think this an unlikely combination but it’s quite good.

The cocktail has been such a success over the years that it encouraged a few companies to bottle similar mixes over the years. Nevertheless, it’s rare that these last long on the market because because the cocktail it’s such an easy mix that anyone can pull off at home.

Adjust Servings
4 ounce Champagne
4 ounce Guinness stout beer


Mix equal parts stout and Champagne.
