Brandy Manhattan Cocktail Recipe

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Written By h8x5n

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Brandy Manhattan Cocktail Recipe


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The Perfect Brandy Manhattan is a variation of the classic Manhattan cocktail, made with brandy instead of whiskey and using equal parts sweet and dry vermouth. Add in a dash or two of Angostura bitters, for an excellent, classic cocktail. This type of brandy is popular in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Comparing the flavor profiles of bourbon and brandy needs a little bit of expertise. The fermented wines when making brandy create a huge impact on the flavor as the grapes and fruits can vary. Bourbons tend to be sweeter due to the residual sugar during fermentation.


Combine the brandy, vermouth and bitters in a cocktail mixing glass.


Fill the mixing glass with 1 handful ice and stir continuously for 30 seconds.


Strain into a coupe or cocktail glass.


Garnish with a lemon peel.

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