Leite de Onca

Leite de Onca
4 minutes
Leite de Onça or Jaguar's Milk is a sweet and creamy Brazilian cocktail with a thick and smooth texture. It is made with a combination of euqal parts of cachaça, crème de cacao, and condensed milk.

It is sweet and has a remarkably suave scent that evokes the homely atmosphere of a Festa Junina, celebrating the nativity of he nativity of St. John the Baptist.


Adjust Servings
1 ounce Cachaça
1 ounce Chocolate liqueur
1 ounce Milk
1/2 ounce Condensed milk


Mix the condensed milk and the milk until they blend together.
Add cachaça and let it rest.
Add cocoa liqueur.
Serve and enjoy!
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