Tequila sunrise

Tequila sunrise
3 minutes
The tequila sunrise is a cocktail made of tequila, orange juice, and grenadine syrup. It's served unmixed in a tall glass. The cocktail is named for its appearance when served—with gradations of color resembling a sunrise. The original tequila sunrise contained tequila, creme de cassis, lime juice, and soda water, and was served at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel where it was created by Gene Sulit in the 1930s or 1940s.


Adjust Servings
2 ounce Tequila
4 ounce Orange juice
1/2 ounce Grenadine
1 garnish Orange slice
1 garnish Maraschino cherry


In a highball glass filled with ice cubes, pour the tequila and orange juice and stir.
Slowly pour the grenadine around the inside edge of the glass. It will sink and gradually rise to mix with the other ingredients.
Garnish with an orange slice and cherry.
Serve and enjoy!
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